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What is Social Listening?

What is Social Listening?

Social listening is the process of listening and monitoring what people are saying on social media about a particular brand, industry or individual. This helps the listener (you)  gain valuable information that can be used to effectively target and engage with your patients. You can enjoy better patient engagement everyday and build towards increasing the number of new patients walking through your doors.

What does it do?

- Solves problems.
- Helps you get to know patient behaviors.
- It can enhance your patient care and service.
- It encourages conversations with people you couldn't reach otherwise.
- You can find out valuable and honest feedback to inform your decisions.

Answer this question...
Are you utilising the power and freedom that social media offers to you every day? Many people don't see the true benefits of social media - it's a platform that provides insightful and reliable information. With social listening you can gather an overview of your market, by listening to user-generated content you can build an idea of what patients want and what way they want it - making your overall service better. Not only can you have a unique insight into your patients, you can see what competitors are doing and saying on their social profiles. This information can help build an effective and efficient overall marketing strategy and all it costs is your time!

A few hours a week is all you need to keep on top on your social listening plan and you might find it's an enjoyable task when you need a break from your usual working day. Make your practice a social practice today and increase your number of new patient acquisitions.

Here's some Social media monitoring tools that you might be interested in...

1) Hootsuite - Great for monitoring and planning for people with multiple social media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and more. This is easy to use and great for those that are organised with their social media profiles.
2) TweetReach - Great for monitoring your own Twitter content and followers.
3) Social Mention - For those that are interested in insightful and in depth analytics.
4) Tweetdeck - We recommend this tool to any new Twitter users, it's easy to use and helps you gather great information to help build your content plan.

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